Sample letter of apology to lover after breakup


I am so very sorry for what I did to you. I realize now (and should have realized then) how much pain and suffering this has caused you. If I could change the past and take back what I {said/did}, I would.

But “if,”, “would,” and “could” are things I could only hope for. What I can do is try to mend the damage that I have done and hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

As a start, I can promise you that I won’t ever recklessly misplace your love and affection again. It was wrong, stupid, and immature of me to do what I did. And now that I see how much my actions have hurt you, I know that I can’t bear to see you unhappy.

Words will never suffice as the only apology for what I have done but I sincerely wish that it can start the healing process and let you know that I am in this for the long run.

Thank you for reading and giving me this opportunity to begin my apology. Please call me when you have the chance.

Love always,

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