Letter complaining about customer service

[Recipient Name]
[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, ST  ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient Name]:
This letter is to complain about service I recently received from a [Company Name] customer service representative named [Representative Name]. I called [Company Name] on [click to select a date], to find out how to deal with a problem I’ve had with [Product or Service]. After I had been on hold for several minutes, [Representative Name] came on the line. I had to explain my problem to him several times because he did not seem to be listening and therefore asked me the same questions repeatedly. 
storeitemid="X_55AF091B-3C7A-41E3-B477-F2FDAA23CFDA" text="t" title="Representative Name" xpath="/ns0:CoverPageProperties[1]/ns0:Abstract[1]">[Representative Name] put me on hold for several minutes, and then returned to say he could not help me. Needless to say, I was quite frustrated.
I expected a much higher level of service from your company, and I am quite disappointed. Because I do not want to spend any more time on this problem, I am [returning or canceling] [Product or Service] immediately, and I expect a full refund. I will be informing my friends and family about this experience.


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