This template letter to your school district requests a special education evaluation and more information for your child’s IEP (Individual Education Program) and progress in school. It is important to advocate for your child and be sure that he or she is receiving the services that he or she needs and is entitled to. This letter provides you with a simple and effective way to contact your schools.
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP]
[Your Phone]
[Click to select the date]
[School Name]
[School Address]
[City, State ZIP]
RE: [Child’s Name] , Request for Evaluation
Dear Sir/ Madam:
xpath="/ns1:coreProperties[1]/ns0:subject[1]">[Child’s Name], who is in [grade number] grade, is experiencing difficulties at your school. I understand there is a process to evaluate a child and determine [his/her] eligibility for special education programs and services. Please send me any written information you have about this process. Please also send me any information you have that could put me in touch with other parents and local support groups involved in special education.
Thank you for your time and your help. I look forward to working together to help [Child’s Name] get the education and support that is best for [his/her] long-term development.