Condolence letter to your friend on the death of his/her mother

he demise of any member of the family is a traumatic experience. At this moment, in all the societies and cultures of the world, the near and dear once gather around the bereaved family. It is of immense consolation to the family members, who have lost someone. It helps them to overcome their grief. A simple condolence letter can also bring some pace to the grieved.
Here is a sample condolence letter:
Edward martin
38, Laurence Road,
Grand Street,
St. Petersburg
Jerry Smith
40-A, George Avenue,
Martial Mart,
22nd June, 2010
Dear Jerry,
Your letter conveying the sad news about the death of your mother has just been delivered to me. Mother is the closest of all, a friend, the best guide and philosopher. Her place cannot be taken by anybody else in this world. I well imagine your lose and do not know how to express myself on such an occasion. Even I had also received her affection when I used to visit your home.
Her calmness and inspiring mien still comes before my mind and it is hard to believe that she is no more now. It is only the almighty who knows what he has written. We are mere puppets. Though it is hard to believe and even harder to live with the fact that she is not in this physical world with us but none can alter the course of nature and this immutable laws of God. I can only imagine your situation.
Your grief is unending but it is only you who can pay homage to your mother by not ending her in tears, instead making her teachings and memories your strength. I am always with you and whenever you want me just let me know. I will visit you soon.
Please accept my condolence and take care.
Your friend,

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Related : Condolence letter to your friend on the death of his/her mother