Credit letters are always addressing to higher authorized person who can take necessary decision at particular time. Generally credit letters are written by the bank that will represent the purchaser in front of the seller and takes his or her guarantee of making payments for purchase items. Thus credit letters are the proof for the transaction taken place between two parties.
Mr. Robert D. Jordan
Branch Manager
Unicom Cooperative Bank Pvt. Ltd
405 Carriage Court
Oasis, CA 92274
Oasis, CA 92274
28 September 2010
Dear, Mr. Robert
This letter is with reference to credit report send by your bank dated 25th September, 2010 which is showing that my credit card account number 12345 with your bank has pending amount on the account. Where as I had already made payment for my entire bills on or before the given due dates which I had received from your bank even though it is showing as pending amount of rupees 10,000 in credit report of this month send by your bank. With regards to this matter it’s my humble request to you that kindly personally look into this matter and try to solve it as soon as possible. Along with this letter I am sending you all bank documents and cheque numbers for your reference purpose. Please make correction as soon as possible and send me an error free credit report. If you found any queries about it please fell free to contact me on same mail id.
Thanking You
Yours Sincerely,
Ms. Edna W. Castaneda
4422 Rose Avenue
Chalmette, LA 70043
Chalmette, LA 70043