Request for promotion consideration used to be written in mean while of reaching your service up to some specified place. However, employee asks for promotion in this letter, he has to maintain better communication section along them. Asking for promotion should be polite and well said so that it will give a positive impact on employee. You can check this given below sample for you.
Mr. /Ms ……………. (Full Name)
…………………… (Designation)
Letter No. ….. MD/Promotion/Mktg/1/2010
Managing Director
…………………. (Name of Company)
Dear Sir,
Sub: Request for consideration for Promotion.
It is requested you to put consideration my promotion case as it is been under delay for long time ago. Hence, my head of department recommended me for the promotion to the seat of assistant marketing manager with full perks and compensation.
I have strong believe on my sincerity and dedications with that I served to company. Therefore, business activities have been expanded so far, and targets were met as per time defined.
May I request you to consider my case for suitable promotion, as deemed fit and oblige
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
………………. (Signature)
………………. (Name in full)
………………. (Designation & Dept)
Place ……………Dated ……………