Letter of Sympathy for Loss of Mother

Summary: loss of a mother is something that is not repairable. If your friend has lost his/her mother and you cannot come up with the appropriate words to show your feeling, take the help of the below sample. You will surely make a place in his/her heart and let them know that you care.
John D. Jones
1529 Edgewood Road
Memphis, TN 38116
Date: Aug 04, 2005.
I hope you are well enough along with your kids. It was really a bad news for me to learn about the sudden departure of your mother. You have my sympathies and I share the grief and sorrow with you. I still remember the days when I used to visit you, your mother used to treat me with affection, and I can never forget her and her love. Although, I lost my mother when I was quite young but your mother reminded me of all the motherly affection, which I did not get from my own mother.
I wanted to meet you personally but could not make it because of the unavailability of the flight ticket. Loss of a mother is something unimaginable as mother is someone who is above every relation in the world. I am offering my shoulder to cry upon during this phase of life and am ready to stand by you through all the thick and thin. Do not forget to visit my place whenever you feel convenient.
Take care
Yours lovingly,
Ronald K. Campbell

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