Sorry Letter to Wife

Sometimes a simple sorry letter leaves more impression then thousand gifts and it can add extra glitter to your relation. Don’t feel ashamed of saying sorry to the one who mean a lot to you. Express your feelings with full justice. You will see that the words will enchant the magic on your beloved.
Here is a sample sorry letter to wife:
Dear Julia,
Although I love you from the bottom of my heart but I made you feel that things are more important for me then you. Through this letter I want to say sorry for hurting you and for all the mistakes that I made in the past. You know how I am in expressing feeling. When I am furious, I don’t know what I am saying, how I am verbalizing. But you know how much I love you and care about you.
I did not realize how much my presence meant to you. When you wanted me to be with you, I was busy with my problems. I never thought about your situations and ignored your emotions. I am sorry for taking you for granted and not considering you as a part of me, though I really meant that.
Julia, I am really sorry, and I hope you understand that I feel terrible for putting you through so much pain. I can’t stand to see the tears in your eyes, and I feel horrible for being the reason of it. Please forgive me my love. I promise to improve and will give you all that you want.
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Related : Sorry Letter to Wife