Thanks for receiving wonderful guitar

Summary: Below there is an example of “thank you for the gift “ letter, that will take you 2 minutes to write but bring a lot of positive emotions to the people who granted you these gifts. Therefore, spend a couple of minutes and compose the letter according to sample.
Mr.Louis Verdenes
85 Brendele Street
14 September 2010
Dear Mr. Vedenes,
I want to take an opportunity and thank you for the wonderful guitar you presented me. It was the most desirable gift ever. You know my passion to the music, how much I wanted the guitar but always something was interfering, and I never bought it. It was a great surprise to find out this gift from you. I appreciate your concern about my music career. From now on thank to your gift I became closer to my dream.
I can imagine how much time and efforts you spend for finding a guitar that is absolutely perfect: from its design until the music sound. Already played on it yesterday the whole day. Now your gift became a part of me and I believe the start of my career.
Want to thank you one more time.
Best regards,
Antonio Cavarro

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